Avoid Massive Fees By Selling Your Home For Cash

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According to a recent study, Florida has more homes on the market than any other state. Many sellers are surprised by the intricacies of listing a property and the numerous costs they face at closing. Settlement fees are due at the completion of the transaction when the title of the property is transferred to the buyer. Home sellers often pay around two to three percent of the total home sale price in closing fees. And this doesn’t count agent fees. The average agent commission in Florida is approximately six percent of the purchase price. The payout can quickly add up to tens of thousands of dollars. Considering the importance of a smooth and successful shale, shopping around for the cheapest agent isn’t the best idea. Along with the fees that land directly in the realtor’s pocket, there is usually a list of repairs required to meet local building codes. If the roof isn’t relatively new and in sound condition, the property won’t qualify for insurance, making a bank loan for the seller impossible. From issues with septic, water heaters, safety violations, HVAC equipment, and electrical panels to staging for an open house, the costs add up. This significant investment into making the property attractive and viable doesn’t necessarily equate to a higher listing price or even a quicker sale. For anyone thinking of selling a house in Northeast Florida, accepting a cash offer from Obi Buys is far less risky than the traditional process. There’s no need to wait for a buyer and no worry over the buyer failing to find financing. There are no escrow inspections, waiting periods, or termite clearance. Accepting a cash offer eliminates the risk. Obi Buys buys and makes an offer on the property exactly how it is. Any condition is fine, and the closing happens within ten days!